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D. Abriola, A.F. Gurbich, M. Kokkoris. Evaluation of the 12C(d,p0)13C reaction cross-section for energies and detection angles suitable for nuclear
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N.P. Barradas, N. Catarino, E. Alves, I. Bogdanovic Radovic, A.F. Gurbich. Measurement and evaluation of the 13C(p,p)13C
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A.F. Gurbich, C. Jeynes. Evaluation of Non-Rutherford Alpha Elastic Scattering Cross-sections for Silicon. Nuclear Data Sheets 119 (2014) 270.
V. Paneta, J.L. Colaux, A.F. Gurbich, C. Jeynes, M. Kokkoris. Benchmarking experiments for the proton backscattering on 23Na, 31P and natS up to 3.5 MeV.
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A.F. Gurbich. Evaluation of cross-sections for particle induced gamma-ray emission (PIGE) spectroscopy. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 331 (2014) 31.
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V. Paneta, A. Gurbich, M. Kokkoris. Theoretical investigation of the 19F(p, p0) differential cross section up to Ep = 2.3 MeV.
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A.F. Gurbich, M.V. Bokhovko. Non-Rutherford cross-sections for alpha elastic scattering off
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