C-12 (4He,4He)
The evaluation is described in NIM B161-163 (2000) 125. The energy range from Coulomb scattering up to 8 MeV is covered. Except for normalization a fair agreement is in general observed between the available sets of experimental data (excluding the data of NIM B86 (1994) 225) in a whole energy range. The posterior measurements for 4He - C scattering cross sections was performed at five scattering angles (30, 45, 60, 135 and 150 degrees) in the energy span from 2.5 to 4.8 MeV (see NIM B190 (2002) 100). A revision of the evaluation was published in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 296 (2013) 87. The uncertainties to the evaluated data were assigned using an algorithm based on the covariance matrix of the experimental errors.
Last update 14-04-2023