Ca-40 (p,p)
The theoretical differential cross section for elastic scattering of protons is in a good agreement with the experimental data [WIL74, KOL75]. The resonance parameters for the calculations were taken from the NuDat 2.5 data base. No physical reasons were found for the cross section to exceed Rutherford value by 9% at 1800 keV as it is obtained in [WIL74].
[WIL74] W.M. Wilson Jr., J.D. Moses, E.G. Bilpuch, Nucl. Phys. A227 (1974) 277.
[KOL75] E. Koltay, L. Mesko, L. Vegh, Nucl. Phys. A 249 (1975) 173.
Last update 06-06-2013